How to Sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit

Cómo coser un mono de gato asimétrico

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Descripción general

Presentamos nuestro patrón de costura de mono asimétrico, diseñado para drag queens que buscan hacer una declaración. Con su diseño audaz de un solo brazo y una sola pierna y ribete de tela opcional, este conjunto vanguardista desafía las convenciones y rezuma confianza. Práctico pero elegante, con una cremallera en la espalda para ponérselo fácilmente, es perfecto para actuaciones, raves, fantasía y eventos de cosplay. Fabricado exclusivamente con telas elásticas, promete un ajuste cómodo que se mueve con tu cuerpo, lo que te permite expresarte libremente. Realza tu presencia y libera a la diva que llevas dentro con esta incorporación imprescindible a tu guardarropa.

Dificultad del patrón: Para principiantes

Detalles de tallas

Este patrón está disponible en nuestros exclusivos talles Drag Queen (XS-4X). Consulta nuestra guía de talles para obtener más información sobre nuestras medidas de talle.

Guía de tallas

Telas y artículos de mercería

Sugerencias de telas

Adecuado para tejidos elásticos:

  • Miliskin
  • Spandex
  • Lentejuelas elásticas
  • Licra
  • Tejidos de punto elásticos
  • Vinilo elástico
  • Cremallera invisible de 14" a 16" pulgadas

Yardas de tela

Este patrón requiere el uso de tela elástica únicamente. Puedes optar por usar la misma tela para el borde o probar con piel y otros materiales. Consulta a continuación la cantidad de metraje necesaria para cada talla.

Ancho de la tela (58 pulgadas)
Tamaño Tela y adornos Sin recorte Solo recortar
Yardas Metros Yardas Metros Yardas Metros
XS 2 1.6 2 1.6 0,5 0.3
S 2 1.7 2 1.7 0,5 0.3
METRO 2 1.7 2 1.7 0,5 0.3
yo 2 1.8 2 1.8 0,5 0.3
SG 2 1.8 2 1.8 0,5 0.3
2XL 2 1.8 2 1.8 0,5 0.3
3XL 2 1.9 2 1.8 0,5 0.3
4XL 2.25 2 2 2 0,5 0.3

Para obtener información sobre la conversión de pulgadas a metros, consulte nuestra guía de conversión.

Guía de conversión de yardas

Instrucciones de costura

Guide Color Key
How to sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Bodysuit Costume

Fabric Pieces

After cutting your fabric, you should have following pieces: one seamless front, two back peices, one sleeve, and 2 trims.

How to sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Bodysuit Costume


For this project, the recommended stitches are a serger overlock stitch, a stretch stitch, or a zigzag stitch. A straight stitch may cause the threads to snap and is not advisable.

Step 1 How to sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Bodysuit Costume


Stack the front and back pieces, right sides facing each other, and sew along the shoulder seam.

Step 2 How to sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Bodysuit Costume


Layout out the front and back right side up and gather your sleeve.

Step 3 How to sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Bodysuit Costume


Align and pin the sleeve around the armhole, right side of the sleeve facing the right side of the front and back. The sleeve curve is symmetrical, so there's no designated front or back. Serge or sew the sleeves in place.

Step 4 How to sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Bodysuit Costume


Turn the garment wrong side out and sew the inner sleeve seams closed, continuing down the sides of the garment.

Step 5 How to sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Bodysuit Costume


Gather your neck trim and fold it horizontally in half, right side out.

Step 6 How to sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Bodysuit Costume


Sew the neck trim around the neckline of the garment, right sides facing each other.

Installing a Fur Trim? Helpful Videos:

Feather Trim:
Fur Trim:

Step 7 How to sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Bodysuit Costume


Install 14-16 inch invisible zipper to the 2 back pieces, right side of fabric.

Step 8 How to sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Bodysuit Costume


After attaching the zipper, fold the excess fabric at the top of the zipper vertically and hand-stitch it down to secure this fold before proceeding.

Step 9 How to sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Bodysuit Costume


Next, fold the zipper tape horizontally and pin in place, ready for topstitching. Repeat the same steps on the opposite side.

Step 10 How to sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Bodysuit Costume


Topstitch around the zipper sides to reinforce and neatly finish the edges.

Step 11 How to sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Bodysuit Costume


Once the zipper is secured to the back pieces, sew the remaining gap at the back crotch, starting from the bottom curve and working up to the zipper's end.

Step 12 How to sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Bodysuit Costume


Gather your leg trim and fold it horizontally in half, right side out.

Step 13 How to sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Bodysuit Costume


Sew the leg trim around the leg hole of the garment, right sides facing each other.

Step 14 How to sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Bodysuit Costume


Turn the garment wrong side out and sew the inner leg seam closed.

Step 15 How to sew an Asymmetrical Catsuit Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Bodysuit Costume


Finally, hem the ends of the sleeve and the leg openings with a rolled hem, stretch stitch, or zigzag stitch.