How to Sew a Mens Catsuit

Cómo coser un catsuit para hombre

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Descripción general

Presentamos el artículo imprescindible para cosplay: ¡nuestro patrón de costura de mono de cuerpo entero para hombre! Presenta un frente sin costuras con entrepierna. En la parte posterior, encontrarás dos piezas con una cremallera y un refuerzo triangular en la entrepierna trasera para una mayor libertad de movimiento.

Este patrón de mono es un básico para cualquier cosplayer y es tu boleto a actuaciones sensacionales y looks asombrosos. Es ideal con telas elásticas en cuatro direcciones, lo que garantiza un ajuste cómodo y ceñido.

* También disponible en talla Drag Queen y AFAB estándar (asignada como mujer al nacer). Talla de mujer, se vende por separado.

Dificultad del patrón: Para principiantes

Detalles de tallas

Este patrón está disponible en tallas para hombres (XS-XXL). También está disponible en tallas Drag Queen (XS-4X) y tallas AFAB para mujeres (XS-XXL). Todos los tipos de tallas de patrones se venden por separado. Consulta nuestra guía de tallas para obtener más información sobre nuestras medidas de tallas.

Guía de tallas

Telas y artículos de mercería

Sugerencias de telas

Adecuado para tejidos elásticos en 4 direcciones:

  • Miliskin
  • Spandex
  • Licra
  • Tejidos de punto elásticos
  • Cremallera invisible de 22 a 24 pulgadas
  • Estabilizador desprendible opcional para mantener la cremallera plana y evitar que se ondule.

Yardas de tela

Este patrón requiere el uso de tela elástica en cuatro direcciones. A continuación, encontrará la cantidad de yardas necesarias para cada talla.

Tamaño Ancho de la tela (58”-60”)
XS 1,75 yardas
S 1,75 yardas
METRO 2 yardas
yo 2,25 yardas
SG 2,25 yardas
XXL 2,5 yardas

Para obtener información sobre la conversión de pulgadas a metros, consulte nuestra guía de conversión.

Guía de conversión de yardas

Instrucciones de costura

Guide Color Key
How to sew a mens catsuit

Fabric Pieces

Once your fabric is cut, you should have one seamless front piece, two front crotch pieces, two back pieces, two long sleeves, two collar pieces, and two triangular gussets for the back crotch.

How to sew a mens catsuit


For this project, the recommended stitches are a serger overlock stitch, a stretch stitch, or a zigzag stitch. A straight stitch may cause the threads to snap and is not advisable.

How to sew a mens catsuit


Take the two gusset pieces and align them with the wrong sides of the fabrics facing each other. Stitch around all the edges using a serger, stretch stitch, or zigzag stitch to join them together.

How to sew a mens catsuit


Place one of the back pieces right side up and position the double-layer gusset piece over the crotch area. The wider part of the gusset should align with the bottom edge, and the point should aim toward the neck of the back piece. Pin the gusset in place and then serge or sew.

Do not sew the other side of the gusset to the other back piece just yet, we will sew and finish that later after we install the zipper.

How to sew a mens catsuit


Take the two of front crotch pieces and align them with the right sides of the fabrics facing each other. Sew them together along the shorter curve with a serger, stretch stitch, or zigzag stitch. Repeat for lining layer.

How to sew a mens catsuit


Take the shell and lining front crotch pieces and stack them wrong sides facing each other. Sew them together around all edges using a serger, stretch stitch, or zigzag stitch. Do not trim off seam allowance, sew as close to the edge as possible.

How to sew a mens catsuit


Pin the front crotch peices to the right side of the front piece near the bottom crotch cut-out. To sew you will turn slowly around the curve. You might need to break this up into 2 sections.

How to sew a mens catsuit


The front crotch should now be attached to the entire front peice of the garment with the stitches on the wrong side of the front.

How to sew a mens catsuit


Take the front piece and the two back pieces, with right sides facing each other, and pin them together at the shoulder seams. Sew along these seams.

How to sew a mens catsuit


For the collar, place the two pieces right sides together and sew along the top, shorter curve.

How to sew a mens catsuit


Then, turn the collar right side out and place a pin in the center.

How to sew a mens catsuit


Lay the front and back pieces right side up and pin the collar around the neckline with the center pin matching the center front, keeping the collar upside down. Serge or sew in place.

How to sew a mens catsuit


Insert a 22-24 inch invisible zipper along the center back opening starting at the collar. The right side of the zipper should face the right side of the fabric. Use a straight stitch with a zipper foot for sewing. For a flat zipper finish, you may use a tear-away stabilizer between the zipper and the fabric.

How to sew a mens catsuit


After attaching the zipper, fold the excess fabric at the top of the zipper vertically and hand-stitch it down to secure this fold before proceeding.

How to sew a mens catsuit


Next, fold the zipper tape horizontally and pin in place, ready for topstitching. Repeat the same steps on the opposite side.

How to sew a mens catsuit


Once the zipper is secured to the back pieces, sew the remaining gap at the back crotch and gusset, starting from the bottom curve and working up to the zipper's end.

How to sew a mens catsuit


Topstitch around the zipper to reinforce and neatly finish the edges.

How to sew a mens catsuit


Spread out the front and back right side up and gather your sleeves.

How to sew a mens catsuit


Align and pin the sleeves around the armholes, right side of the sleeve facing the right side of the front and back, using notches as a guide. Each sleeve curve is symmetrical, so there's no designated front or back. Serge or sew the sleeves in place and repeat for the other side.

How to sew a mens catsuit


Turn the garment wrong side out and sew the inner sleeve seams closed, continuing down the sides of the garment from the armholes to the ankles.

How to sew a mens catsuit


For the inner leg seams, align the center front crotch with the center of the back gusset and pin it.

How to sew a mens catsuit


Serge or sew around the entire inner leg inseam.

How to sew a mens catsuit


Finally, hem the ends of the sleeves and the leg openings with a rolled hem, stretch stitch, or zigzag stitch.