How To Sew A Baggy Low-Rise Capri Pants

Cómo coser unos pantalones capri holgados de talle bajo

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Descripción general

¡Luce tu estilo con estos fabulosos pantalones capri holgados de tiro bajo! Perfectos para las drag queens que quieren dejar huella, estos pantalones combinan comodidad y estilo sin esfuerzo. Con cintura elástica y puños en la pantorrilla, estos capris ofrecen un ajuste relajado que acentúa tus curvas y te da ese estilo urbano icónico de principios de los años 2000. Ya sea que estés actuando, de fiesta o simplemente en la ciudad, estos pantalones están diseñados para que luzcas feroz y te sientas fabulosa.

Dificultad del patrón: Para principiantes

Detalles de tallas

Este patrón está disponible en nuestros exclusivos talles Drag Queen (XS-4X). Consulta nuestra guía de talles para obtener más información sobre nuestras medidas de talle.

Guía de tallas

Telas y artículos de mercería

Sugerencias de telas

Adecuado para tejidos ligeros con algo de elasticidad:

  • Tela con lentejuelas
  • Satén elástico
  • Organdí
  • Gasa
  • Mezclas de licra y spandex
  • Malla
  • Elástico de 2 pulgadas/5 cm

Yardas de tela

Las medidas a continuación se basan en anchos de tela de 58 pulgadas.

Tamaño Yardas Metros
XS 1,25 años 1,2 metros
S 1,5 años 1,4 metros
METRO 1,75 años 1,5 metros
yo 1,75 años 1,6 metros
SG 1,75 años 1,6 metros
2X 1,75 años 1,6 metros
3 veces 2 años 1,7 metros
4X 2 años 1,9 metros

Para obtener información sobre la conversión de pulgadas a metros, consulte nuestra guía de conversión.

Guía de conversión de yardas

Instrucciones de costura

Sewing Instructions Color Guide Key
Step 0 How to sew a Baggy Low-rise Capri Pant Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Costume Plus Size Lingerie Sexy Fashion Cosplay Goth Rave

Fabric Pieces

After cutting your fabric, you should have the following pieces:

  • Two front pieces
  • Two back pieces
  • One waistband
  • One waistband elastic
  • Two calf bands
  • Two calf elastic bands

Pockets are optional: one pocket piece, and one pocket flap for each pocket (up to two pockets)

How to sew an High Waisted Shaper Corset Body sewing pattern for drag queens by Katkow


Preferred stitches: Stretch stitch, zigzag stitch, or serger overlock stitch. You can use a straight stitch only on non-stretch areas.

Step 1 How to sew a Baggy Low-rise Capri Pant Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Costume Plus Size Lingerie Sexy Fashion Cosplay Goth Rave


Gather one front and one back piece, sew them together, right sides facing each other, along the side seam. And repeat for the other side.

Step 2 How to sew a Baggy Low-rise Capri Pant Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Costume Plus Size Lingerie Sexy Fashion Cosplay Goth Rave


On the wrong side press down your seams. Optionally you can top-sitch the seam down on the right side of the fabric.

Step 3 How to sew a Baggy Low-rise Capri Pant Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Costume Plus Size Lingerie Sexy Fashion Cosplay Goth Rave


If you are adding pockets, gather your pocket peices.

On the wrong side of the pocket, on the top edge, fold over 0.25 inches and press it down. Then fold over another 1 inch and press it down. So the 0.25 fold is folded in between.

Then sew a horizontal stitch over those folds to keep them in place.

Step 4 How to sew a Baggy Low-rise Capri Pant Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Costume Plus Size Lingerie Sexy Fashion Cosplay Goth Rave


Then fold in the sides of the pocket 0.5” inches and press.

Position the pocket to the notches on the side seam of the front and back pant pieces. And sew the pocket down along the edges and the bottom of the pocket.

Step 5 How to sew a Baggy Low-rise Capri Pant Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Costume Plus Size Lingerie Sexy Fashion Cosplay Goth Rave


For the pocket flap, fold it vertically in half, right sides facing each other, and sew the side seams and the folded edge together.

Then flip the flap right side out and press. You can then top-stitch the edges.

Step 6 How to sew a Baggy Low-rise Capri Pant Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Costume Plus Size Lingerie Sexy Fashion Cosplay Goth Rave


Position the flap upside down wrong side out, above the pocket matching the notches and sew the bottom edge of the flap to the pant. Then flip the flap over and press and top stitch on the fold.

Repeat steps for all other pockets.

Step 7 How to sew a Baggy Low-rise Capri Pant Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Costume Plus Size Lingerie Sexy Fashion Cosplay Goth Rave


Stack both pant legs right sides facing each other, and sew them together along the front crotch and back crotch seams.

Step 8 How to sew a Baggy Low-rise Capri Pant Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Costume Plus Size Lingerie Sexy Fashion Cosplay Goth Rave


Sew the inseams of the front and back together.

Step 9 How to sew a Baggy Low-rise Capri Pant Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Costume Plus Size Lingerie Sexy Fashion Cosplay Goth Rave


Gather the waistband right side up. Fold it horizontally in half and sew the ends closed. Creating a loop.

Then roll and fold the right side of the fabric over, vertically in half.

Step 10 How to sew a Baggy Low-rise Capri Pant Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Costume Plus Size Lingerie Sexy Fashion Cosplay Goth Rave


With the waistband folded, sew the bottom ends together, leaving an unsewn gap 2-3 inches at the center back seam. This will create an open tunnel for your elastic.

Elastic should be slightly shorter than the width of your waist band.

Then Insert elastic with a safety pin attached to one end. Guide the elastic through the unswend gap and pull the safety pin to help feed the elastic through the tunnel.

Once the elastic is in the tunnel you can sew the gap closed. Then stretch the band so the elastic is evenly distributed inside.

Step 11 How to sew a Baggy Low-rise Capri Pant Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Costume Plus Size Lingerie Sexy Fashion Cosplay Goth Rave


Add four pins evenly around the waist band.

Step 12 How to sew a Baggy Low-rise Capri Pant Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Costume Plus Size Lingerie Sexy Fashion Cosplay Goth Rave


Gather the elastic waistband, flip it upside down and wrong side out. Position the band over and outside of the pants. The pants should be right side out.

Pin the band around the waist of the pants. The center back seam of the waistband should line up to the center back seam of the pants. The center front pin of the waistband should match the center front seam of the pants. The side pins should then be evenly distributed in between.

Step 13 How to sew a Baggy Low-rise Capri Pant Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Costume Plus Size Lingerie Sexy Fashion Cosplay Goth Rave


Sew the band around the pants, right sides facing each other, using a stretch stitch, zig zag stitch, or serger.

Step 14 How to sew a Baggy Low-rise Capri Pant Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Costume Plus Size Lingerie Sexy Fashion Cosplay Goth Rave


Once sewn, flip the band right side up, and press the seam so it faces down. You can then top stitch the band seam facing down around the top edge of the pants.

Step 15 How to sew a Baggy Low-rise Capri Pant Sewing Pattern for Drag Queens Costume Plus Size Lingerie Sexy Fashion Cosplay Goth Rave


Repeat steps 9-15 for the elastic bands around the ankles.